Find more on our Call for Participation:

The event is community-driven, non-commercial, un-conferenced and bar-camped; organized voluntary, there is no budget besides contributions: Everything just happens if someone is actually taking hands on it based on the love, joy and curiousity! People donate time, skills, talent, knowledge and tools (and money); coming together and encourage each other to contribute. Lets have some days of Utopia \o/ All interesting beings are invited coming over to exchange, share, listen, learn, care, teach, create, break, discuss and develop interesting things and thoughts! Find more on Calendar/Schedule of each events: Some of the scheduling will be done on a rolling base (barcamp-style), so especially also look at the current proposals here: As this is an event where everyone can contribute, we are still open for talks & presentations, workshops & hands-on-sessions, discussions & debates as well as installations and performances ... We are especially interested in sessions that explore intersections between technology, hacking & making, art, music, society and Utopia! Find more on our Call for Participation: